
Mercedes Benz 290 Cabrio W18, Bj.1934

Für uns ist der 290er W18 ein besonderes Projekt. Es ist mit Abstand bis zum heutigen Tag der älteste Oldtimer, welcher uns anvertraut wurde. Dieses, sehr seltene Werkscabriolet mit kurzem Radstand kam Ende 2023 nach einigen unglücklichen Restaurationsversuchen zu uns.


The Mercedes-Benz 290 (W18) is a classic automobile produced by the German brand Mercedes-Benz between 1933 and 1937. As part of the upper middle class, the 290 was characterized by its elegant design and advanced technology. This model, often considered part of Mercedes-Benz classic car collections, is a sought-after item for vehicle restoration.

The 290 offered a spacious and comfortable interior that was innovative for its time. It was offered with various body styles, including sedans, convertibles and roadsters. It was powered by a robust 2.9 liter six-cylinder engine that provided smooth and reliable performance. The vehicle featured advanced suspension and was known for its exceptional road holding, making it a sought-after classic vehicle.

As part of Mercedes-Benz history, the 290 W18 symbolizes the brand’s engineering and luxury in the 1930s. It embodies the transition from classic to more modern automotive designs and technologies.

When restoring a Mercedes 290 W18, enthusiasts pay particular attention to originality and attention to detail. Spare parts and authentic reproductions are essential to preserve the historical value of the vehicle. Selecting a specialized classic car workshop is crucial to ensure professional restoration.

These aspects underline the importance of the Mercedes 290 W18 as a classic in the world of classic cars and restoration projects.

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